Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Beginning...

It's a big day...a momentous occasion...the beginning of it all.

Today Gareth and myself got the full green light to go ahead on our adventure eastwards - while it had been pretty much a foregone conclusion up to now Gareth only found out today his application for his sabbatical package was approved (lucky punk!) . So now the ball can really start moving - we book our flights, get our jabs, say our goodbyes...and off we go.

Granted in between that moment and this there is much to do - not least trips to Paris with Eoin for a weekend of pretentious arsty culture (more like filthy underground electro clubs...delighted), skiing in January in Lyon and some sort of random adventure for New Years...

But this takes a back seat to the real point of this blog - I am not going to bore you with minute details of my everyday life...."so this morning i woke up and had 125 cheerios for breakfast"...the raison d'etre (getting warmed up for Paris) is to provide a medium for the countless random stories we come across everyday...everyone has a story, everyone...and over the course of the following months Gareth and myself will be coming across a vast amount of these tales of a random nature.

Everyone likes a good story...hopefully we'll come across some gems

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